三星Galaxy S25系列:24MP高分辨率照片模式仍局限于ExpertRAW应用
三星Galaxy S25系列:24MP高分辨率照片模式仍局限于ExpertRAW应用科技媒体SamMobile近日报道,备受期待的三星Galaxy S25系列旗舰智能手机,虽然在相机软硬件方面进行了改进,但其24MP高分辨率照片拍摄模式仍然仅限于ExpertRAW应用程序。这一消息无疑让许多期待在普通拍照模式下也能享受到24MP高分辨率拍摄的用户感到失望...
手机互联 2025-01-25 10:25:11 -
iOS 18 Adoption Rate Mirrors iOS 17: Apple Reports 76% Uptake on iPhones Released in the Past Four Years
iOS 18 Adoption Rate Mirrors iOS 17: Apple Reports 76% Uptake on iPhones Released in the Past Four YearsApple has finally released adoption rate statistics for iOS 18, marking the first time the company has shared such data since the operating system's launch last September. The numbers reveal a consistent level of user adoption compared to its predecessor, iOS 17...
手机互联 2025-01-25 05:35:17 -
iPhone SE (4th Generation): A Peek at the Potential “iPhone 16E” and its Leaked Features
iPhone SE (4th Generation): A Peek at the Potential “iPhone 16E” and its Leaked FeaturesRumors surrounding the launch of a new iPhone SE this year have intensified, potentially gaining credence from a recent leak by renowned tipster Evan Blass. Blass shared an image on a private social media platform, seemingly depicting source code that references an "iPhone SE (4th generation)...
手机互联 2025-01-21 03:57:52 -
骁龙8至尊版“减配版”SM8750-3-AB现身高通官网:核心数减少,性能或受影响近日,高通官网悄然出现一款型号为SM8750-3-AB的处理器,并被归类于骁龙8至尊版(骁龙8 Elite)产品线。这一发现引发了广泛关注,因为这款新处理器与常规版骁龙8至尊版(型号为SM8750-AB)存在显著差异...
手机互联 2025-01-18 15:03:08 -
AppleIntelligence:苹果AI战略的成败与未来挑战2024年10月,苹果公司隆重发布了备受期待的人工智能系统AppleIntelligence,并将其深度集成于iOS 18、iPadOS 18和macOS Sequoia操作系统中,旨在为iPhone、iPad和Mac用户带来全新的使用体验。然而,近期来自海外调研机构的报告却显示出令人担忧的趋势:超过60%的用户对AppleIntelligence兴趣缺缺,认为其对日常使用体验的提升微乎其微,远不如手机的其他功能重要...
手机互联 2025-01-16 14:53:16 -
高通下一代次旗舰芯片SM8835:传闻采用全自研架构,性能介于骁龙8 Gen 3和骁龙8s Elite之间
高通下一代次旗舰芯片SM8835:传闻采用全自研架构,性能介于骁龙8 Gen 3和骁龙8s Elite之间近日,数码博主@数码闲聊站爆料称,高通下一代“次旗舰”应用处理器SM8835有望采用高通全自研架构,并基于3nm制程工艺打造。这则消息无疑在手机芯片市场投下了一颗重磅炸弹,引发了业界广泛关注...
手机互联 2025-01-15 18:45:14 -
Swippitt InstantPowerSystem (IPS): 一款革新手机快充解决方案
Swippitt InstantPowerSystem (IPS): 一款革新手机快充解决方案在2025年CES展会上,爱尔兰初创公司Swippitt惊艳亮相,推出了一款名为InstantPowerSystem (IPS) 的革命性手机快充系统。不同于传统的换电方案,IPS系统巧妙地避免了繁琐的电池拆卸过程,为用户带来便捷、高效的充电体验...
手机互联 2025-01-13 14:52:27 -
高通骁龙8s Elite(SM8735)核心参数曝光:或将搭载于小米新机,性能表现与充电速度抢先看
高通骁龙8s Elite(SM8735)核心参数曝光:或将搭载于小米新机,性能表现与充电速度抢先看近日,知名数码博主@数码闲聊站曝光了高通全新处理器SM8735,也就是骁龙8s Elite的部分参数信息,引发了业内外的广泛关注。根据爆料,该处理器采用1+3+2+2的八核心架构,主频分别为13.21GHz+33.01GHz+22.80GHz+22.02GHz,搭配Adreno 825 GPU...
手机互联 2025-01-13 13:37:05 -
《苹果AI助手Apple Intelligence:热度骤降,换机动力不足》
《苹果AI助手Apple Intelligence:热度骤降,换机动力不足》快科技1月11日消息,知名分析师郭明錤近日发布报告指出,根据其供应链调查结果显示,大部分iPhone用户对苹果全新推出的AI助手Apple Intelligence兴趣缺缺,该功能并未有效推动用户升级换机。这一发现与先前业内对Apple Intelligence的预期形成鲜明对比...
手机互联 2025-01-11 19:26:04 -
Apple Intelligence: A Disappointing Debut and Uncertain Future for iPhone Sales
Apple Intelligence: A Disappointing Debut and Uncertain Future for iPhone Sales与市场上已有的云端AI服务,例如ChatGPT相比,Apple Intelligence的吸引力明显不足。 这种差异或许源于其功能的有限性和相对较晚的发布时机...
手机互联 2025-01-11 13:55:04 -
Redmi Note 14 Global Launch: Enhanced Camera, 4G and 5G Variants Unveiled
Redmi Note 14 Global Launch: Enhanced Camera, 4G and 5G Variants UnveiledXiaomi has officially launched the Redmi Note 14 globally, following its debut in India a month prior. While largely identical to its Indian counterpart, the international version boasts significant camera upgrades and a crucial addition: a 4G variant...
手机互联 2025-01-10 19:48:13 -
Nintendo Switch 2:升级的屏幕、更强大的性能和更舒适的手感
Nintendo Switch 2:升级的屏幕、更强大的性能和更舒适的手感2017年,第一代Nintendo Switch横空出世,迅速成为游戏机市场的一匹黑马,销量仅次于PS2和Nintendo DS,位居历史第三。这款便携式游戏机以其创新的混合模式和丰富的游戏阵容赢得了全球玩家的青睐...
手机互联 2025-01-10 02:48:49