Nothing Phone (3a) 和 Phone (3a) Pro 5G 将于 3 月 4 日发布:配置、颜色及规格详解
Nothing Phone (3a) 和 Phone (3a) Pro 5G 将于 3 月 4 日发布:配置、颜色及规格详解科技媒体 AndroidHeadline 近日爆料称,Nothing 公司计划在 3 月 4 日举办的发布会上推出两款全新的智能手机:Nothing Phone (3a) 5G 和 Nothing Phone (3a) Pro 5G。 该消息迅速在科技圈引发广泛关注,许多消费者对这两款新机的配置、价格以及设计等方面都充满了期待...
手机互联 2025-01-30 10:38:41 -
Nothing Phone 3或将于MWC 2024发布:3月4日格林尼治时间上午10时揭晓神秘相机模块
Nothing Phone 3或将于MWC 2024发布:3月4日格林尼治时间上午10时揭晓神秘相机模块科技品牌Nothing于近日在其X平台账号上发布了一则简短视频预告,预示着其下一代智能手机即将问世。这段视频模糊地展示了这款新机的后置相机模块设计,其独特的造型引发了广泛猜测,许多人认为这是Nothing手机标志性的设计语言的延续与升级...
手机互联 2025-01-28 15:36:47 -
Android 17: The End of App Orientation Restrictions and a New Era for Large-Screen Experiences
Android 17: The End of App Orientation Restrictions and a New Era for Large-Screen Experiences谷歌自Android 3.0(Honeycomb)时代就计划为平板电脑引入多列应用布局,但这一目标长期未能实现。 许多应用至今仍未针对大屏幕设备,例如可折叠手机和平板电脑进行优化,导致用户体验不佳...
手机互联 2025-01-28 15:08:00 -
三星Galaxy S25系列:24MP高分辨率照片模式仍局限于ExpertRAW应用
三星Galaxy S25系列:24MP高分辨率照片模式仍局限于ExpertRAW应用科技媒体SamMobile近日报道,备受期待的三星Galaxy S25系列旗舰智能手机,虽然在相机软硬件方面进行了改进,但其24MP高分辨率照片拍摄模式仍然仅限于ExpertRAW应用程序。这一消息无疑让许多期待在普通拍照模式下也能享受到24MP高分辨率拍摄的用户感到失望...
手机互联 2025-01-25 10:25:11 -
iOS 18 Adoption Rate Mirrors iOS 17: Apple Reports 76% Uptake on iPhones Released in the Past Four Years
iOS 18 Adoption Rate Mirrors iOS 17: Apple Reports 76% Uptake on iPhones Released in the Past Four YearsApple has finally released adoption rate statistics for iOS 18, marking the first time the company has shared such data since the operating system's launch last September. The numbers reveal a consistent level of user adoption compared to its predecessor, iOS 17...
手机互联 2025-01-25 05:35:17 -
iPhone SE (4th Generation): A Peek at the Potential “iPhone 16E” and its Leaked Features
iPhone SE (4th Generation): A Peek at the Potential “iPhone 16E” and its Leaked FeaturesRumors surrounding the launch of a new iPhone SE this year have intensified, potentially gaining credence from a recent leak by renowned tipster Evan Blass. Blass shared an image on a private social media platform, seemingly depicting source code that references an "iPhone SE (4th generation)...
手机互联 2025-01-21 03:57:52 -
iPhone 17 Air: Apple's Ambitious Pursuit of Ultrathin Design
iPhone 17 Air: Apple's Ambitious Pursuit of Ultrathin DesignFor months, whispers have circulated about a redesigned iPhone 17 variant, tentatively dubbed the iPhone 17 Air, or a similar moniker. This new model is poised to replace the iPhone 17 Plus as Apple's fourth iPhone offering, debuting alongside the iPhone 17, iPhone 17 Pro, and iPhone 17 Pro Max...
手机互联 2025-01-18 13:15:06 -
三星发布《Over the Horizon》2025年版:大乐队爵士乐演绎充满希望的未来
三星发布《Over the Horizon》2025年版:大乐队爵士乐演绎充满希望的未来三星电子今日发布了其标志性品牌铃声《Over the Horizon》2025年全新版本。不同于以往,2025年版采用充满活力的全新大乐队爵士乐演奏形式,为用户呈现一段充满希望的未来图景...
手机互联 2025-01-17 16:52:32 -
Nothing 2025:创新之年,Nothing Phone (3)及更多新品即将到来
Nothing 2025:创新之年,Nothing Phone (3)及更多新品即将到来IT之家1月14日消息,知名爆料人Evan Blass昨日(1月13日)在其X平台账号上分享了一封Nothing公司CEO裴宇发送给员工的内部邮件。邮件标题为《2025: Nothing’s Year of Innovation》,正式确认了Nothing Phone (3)手机将在今年发布,并预告了更多令人振奋的产品计划...
手机互联 2025-01-14 15:44:56 -
Apple Intelligence: A Disappointing Debut and Uncertain Future for iPhone Sales
Apple Intelligence: A Disappointing Debut and Uncertain Future for iPhone Sales与市场上已有的云端AI服务,例如ChatGPT相比,Apple Intelligence的吸引力明显不足。 这种差异或许源于其功能的有限性和相对较晚的发布时机...
手机互联 2025-01-11 13:55:04 -
Anthropic融资20亿美元,估值飙升至60亿美元,跻身美国初创公司前五1月8日消息,据知情人士透露,人工智能初创公司Anthropic正在进行一轮20亿美元的融资,这将使其估值达到惊人的60亿美元,较一年前增长三倍多。此轮融资由风险投资公司光速创投(Lightspeed Venture Partners)领投...
业界动态 2025-01-08 16:38:42 -
印尼坚持禁售iPhone 16:AirTag工厂投资未达标成关键
印尼坚持禁售iPhone 16:AirTag工厂投资未达标成关键北京时间1月8日下午,彭博社报道称,印度尼西亚政府将继续禁止苹果销售iPhone 16系列手机。这一决定源于苹果计划在印尼建设的AirTag工厂未能满足当地投资要求...
手机互联 2025-01-08 15:55:20