小米澎湃OS BL解锁政策重大调整:2025年起每用户限解锁一台设备
小米澎湃OS BL解锁政策重大调整:2025年起每用户限解锁一台设备小米社区近日发布公告,对澎湃OS Bootloader (BL) 解锁申请规则进行了重要调整。这项调整将从2025年1月1日起正式生效,届时每位获得解锁权限的用户,在其权限有效期内,最多只能对一台绑定设备进行BL解锁操作...
手机互联 2024-12-26 19:11:01 -
Redmi K80: Flagship Performance at a Surprisingly Affordable Price
Redmi K80: Flagship Performance at a Surprisingly Affordable PriceRedmi's K series has always been known for offering flagship-level features at competitive prices, and the newly launched K80 is no exception. This latest iteration, touted as the strongest standard version in the K series' history, boasts impressive specifications while defying expectations with its surprisingly accessible pricing...
手机互联 2024-11-27 21:06:12 -
Apple Music Classical 应用更新:CarPlay 支持回归,功能更强大
Apple Music Classical 应用更新:CarPlay 支持回归,功能更强大苹果公司今日宣布,Apple Music Classical 应用已更新至 2.1 版本,并为用户带来了期待已久的 CarPlay 支持。此更新还提升了应用的稳定性和性能,进一步优化了用户的古典音乐聆听体验...
手机互联 2024-11-12 23:28:34 -
手机互联 2024-11-12 16:14:23 -
谷歌计划为 Pixel 11a 和 Pixel Tablet 3 开发特别版 Tensor G6 芯片
谷歌计划为 Pixel 11a 和 Pixel Tablet 3 开发特别版 Tensor G6 芯片科技媒体 AndroidAuthority 今天发布博文,基于谷歌 gChips 团队泄露的文件内容,该公司正规划为 Pixel 11a 手机和 Pixel Tablet 3 平板开发特别版 Tensor G6 芯片。消息称谷歌公司计划推出搭载 Tensor G6 芯片的多款产品,IT之家根据披露的文件附上相关信息如下: Premium‘26: 预估为 Pixel 11 Pro 机型 Base‘26: 预估为 Pixel 11 标准版 Fold‘26: 预估为 Pixel Fold 折叠手机 EntryPhone‘27: 预估为 Pixel 11a 手机 TabletPixel‘27: 预估为 Pixel Tablet 3 平板谷歌于 2023 年发布 Pixel Tablet,预估 2025 年会推出第二代平板,暗示谷歌将以 2 年的时间间隔发布新款平板...
手机互联 2024-10-31 09:41:36 -
业界动态 2024-10-24 07:44:10 -
ColorOS15: OPPO's Latest Operating System Ushers in a New Era of Seamless and Intelligent Experiences
ColorOS15: OPPO's Latest Operating System Ushers in a New Era of Seamless and Intelligent Experiences On October 17, 2024, at the OPPO Developer Conference (ODC24) held in Hangzhou, China, OPPO unveiled its brand new ColorOS15 operating system. This version, first featured on the OPPO FindX8 series and OnePlus 13, introduces an array of innovative features designed to deliver a more fluid, intelligent, and personalized user experience...
手机互联 2024-10-17 14:27:03 -
苹果扩展“Apple Business Connect”工具,助力企业打造统一品牌形象,增强客户信任
苹果扩展“Apple Business Connect”工具,助力企业打造统一品牌形象,增强客户信任苹果公司昨日发布博文,宣布扩展其“Apple Business Connect”工具,旨在帮助各种规模的企业与客户建立更强的联系。无论是否有实体门店,企业都能通过该工具,打造统一的品牌形象,并将其展示给超过10亿的苹果用户...
手机互联 2024-10-17 06:56:46 -
苹果升级BusinessConnect,让企业在iPhone上更具辨识度苹果公司今天宣布对其Apple BusinessConnect功能进行更新,旨在允许任何经过验证的企业在地图、钱包、电话和邮件等应用中创建一致的品牌和位置。通过BusinessConnect,企业可以更全面地展示品牌形象,提升用户体验...
手机互联 2024-10-17 06:42:50 -
鱼和熊掌,我都要!雷克沙Lexar Professional Go手机固态硬盘摄影套装体验
鱼和熊掌,我都要!雷克沙Lexar Professional Go手机固态硬盘摄影套装体验随着科技的不断进步,人们记录精彩生活的工具也越来越先进。智能手机的普及让视频拍摄变得触手可及,Vlog也因此风靡一时...
手机互联 2024-10-14 16:06:44 -
苹果紧急修复iOS18问题:触摸屏失灵、iMessage崩溃,iPadPro变砖据可靠消息源透露,苹果正在内部测试iOS 18.0.1 更新,该更新旨在修复近期iOS 18系统中出现的多个问题,预计将在下周末之前推送给iPhone用户。此次更新将重点解决iPhone 16 系列和部分旧款机型用户遇到的触摸屏问题,以及iMessage 应用崩溃等问题...
手机互联 2024-09-27 19:24:36 -
iOS 18 Messages App Crash: A Bug That Could Cost You Your Conversations
iOS 18 Messages App Crash: A Bug That Could Cost You Your ConversationsA new bug in Apple's iOS 18 operating system is causing the Messages app to crash, and unfortunately, the current workaround involves deleting your entire conversation history, potentially losing precious photos, videos, and other attachments. The bug, discovered by reader Alex and confirmed by technology media outlet 9to5Mac, occurs when a user receives a watch face shared from an Apple Watch and responds to the message within the conversation thread...
手机互联 2024-09-19 08:11:16