刷新日期: 2013-02-18 00:00:00
网站域名: www.lksf.org
网站名称: Li Ka Shing Foundation
网站描述:"To be able to contribute to society and to help those in need to build a better life, that is the ultimate meaning in life. I would gladly consider this to be my life's work. "After a childhood of hardship and strife, forced to quit school at the age of 15 to provide for his family, Mr. Li Ka-shing persevered.
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所属地区:国外 >> 国外网站
所属分类:工商与经济 >> 公益宣传
收录日期:2010-01-19 09:10:00
![Li Ka Shing Foundation缩略图](/js/articleImageLoading.gif)
标签: li ka shing foundation education medical culture charity